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Real Estate Advice

The right building

Good housing is always important, but in the business market the right building can make all the difference. After all, the building must match your appearance, be suitable for your business operations and processes, and facilitate your employees and/or customers. Purchasing or renting a good building for your company is after all a well-considered decision.

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Buy, sell, rent or let

The Brummel & Beuk real estate agents will guide you through the entire process surrounding your real estate matters. With our fully transparent approach, you know exactly what the status of the process is, you are aware of all relevant information and you know the legal and financial opportunities and risks. This way we ensure that you can make a well-founded decision, without surprises or risks for the future. Regardless of whether it concerns purchase, sale, rental or rental.

Are you keen on learning more? Ask Djurre!

+316 480 190 87